Constraints are a Good Thing

Creativity is a process of making mental connections between disparate ideas.  It's often born out of errors, the creator unintentionally connecting two things that a more objective viewer would rule out as unrelatable.

Being a network process, as opposed to a procedural one, the difficulty of the problem increases as the number of degrees of freedom increase.  The classic example of a network process is the "Traveling Salesman Problem".

This is why art teachers don't assign their students problems like:  "fill this blank page with something beautiful".  Instead, they give them a set of constraints to work within, they dictate a theme, an artistic style, and a time limit.

In another sense, constraints give a creative endeavor a finite set of tractable starting points.  They imply a form for the eventual solution and provide strong foundation points that can be used to underpin a more fanciful idea.  

Twitter's 160 character limit is an example of this.  Initially a mere technical constraint of SMS, it now serves as the boundary condition for a whole new mode of communication, that, without this constraint, might have reverted to yet another blogging service.  

When confronted with an intractable product decision, I first attempt to layout the forced constraints:  

  • How much product investment can we afford?  
  • What kind of timeline should we deliver it in?
  • What is the technology we're using especially good/bad at?​
  • What is the user's problem that we're solving?​

If I'm still stuck, often because the true constraints are still too broad, then I try to apply artificial constraints that force me to think about different aspects of the problem:

  • What could we do in a single day?
  • What if there was no UI at all?​
  • What if our customer's were end-users instead of enterprises?​
  • What if we could only charge half as much for the service?​

I often discover that such artificial constraints help clarify what the real proposition is, assist in searching for ideal solutions instead of merely adequate ones, and reveal orthogonal ways around obstacles.

Ideas, DesignRobert Jamison